Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. ~ 1 Peter 4:10

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!!

Mama Kitty and her kitten!!!

When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, may luck be yours on Halloween. ~ Anonymous.

This weekend my daughter joined me for a Halloween dress up painting party I was teaching at the Painting With a Twist studio.  She has always loved to dress up and looks forward to Halloween all year!  We had such a fun time dressing up as cats together and painting!  A good time was definitely had by all!! :)

We also had a great time a few weeks ago painting this fun Halloween scene at a Kids Painting Class.

Such fun happenings at this time of the year!  I've been keeping busy teaching and enjoying all of the inspiration the Autumn season brings!  So many wonderful colors, scenes and scents.  I just love it!  Along with all the busyness of normal life, my family has been moving into a time of big transition and big change!  I'll share more soon, but in the mean time, I hope you have a frightfully fun Halloween and enjoy your haunting tonight!

Bugs and hisses,