One thing I really enjoy doing at the start of each year is picking my "One Word" for the year. I first heard of this concept through Ali Edwards' wonderful blog three years ago. My word for 2008 was "Create" and that was the year I committed myself to rediscovering my art. Last year I chose "Simplify" due to the big changes our family would be experiencing as we prepared for the arrival of our second child and I begun working toward my newly discovered desire to begin selling my artwork. I feel like I did well with Simplify; I focused on a few major areas such as:
- my home where I decluttered, purged, rearranged and tried to set up more simple systems and routines. Below are a few pictures of one of my biggest projects last year, my newly redone studio area.
- my life by doing my best to say "no" when I really need to focus on other things. There are so many wonderful opportunities out there and different ways to spend my time. I've learned that it is okay to serve or help in some areas, but I don't have to, nor can I do everything!
- my art by reorganizing and purging my supplies. I'm trying my best to buy only what I need rather than "collecting" art supplies; they can be so addictive!!
- my ministry by stepping down from some much loved responsibilities.
I made a lot of headway...but still continue to look for ways to simplify this busy life even more so I can concentrate on and make time for the things most important to me!
So, my One Word for 2010...oh, it is a good one! One that I need a lot of work on! I'll share in my next post, but in the meantime, do you have a special One Word that you are focusing on this year?!! :) I'd love to hear all about it!